Hassan Raza pseudonym Max is a MarTech consultant

Growth Hacker & Venture Builder

I'm here to guide you towards hyperscale growth. Let's explore new markets together and accelerate your journey with powerful automations and Human Centric Design, Product Led Growth and Account Based Marketing.


Some of the companies that Max has helped

QIC logo (1)
cocka cola (1)
vieve logo

Recent from My Blog

of marketers agree that AI is the key to the future of marketing
0 %
of business owners believe AI should be a top priorty in 2023
0 %
active user of chatGPT within the first two months, making it the fastest growing consumer application ever
0 M
of marketers say that AI-generated content is as good as human generated
0 %

Infinitron Series

Local SEO and Generative AI
Advanced Local SEO using Generative AI

In this webinar learn how we can improve local SEO with the advent of generative AI, local SEO has reached new heights by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to enhance various aspects of the optimization process.

Generative AI can assist with keyword research for local SEO. It can analyze search trends, user queries, and local-specific keywords to identify relevant terms and phrases that are more likely to drive targeted traffic to a business's website. This helps businesses optimize their website's meta tags, headings, and on-page content with the right keywords, improving their visibility in local search results.

CRO webinar
Optimize Shopify Conversion

Learn how to optimize checkout, PLP and ads and performance of your e-commerce business

ROAS webinar
Maximize Your Return On Ad-Spend

Learn how to improve your post-click conversion rate. Get more revenue from your PPC/Online Advertising efforts by increasing your revenue per conversion.

Local SEO hero Webinar
Advanced Strategies To Become Local Seo Hero

Learn advanced strategies to optimize your local SEO and optimize your "Google My Business" Profile.

When You need a Growth Hacker?

Are you facing any of these issues?

If your website traffic growth has become stagnant
Your website traffic is not growing no matter what you do. You want insights on what you are doing wrong and how to get out of this plateau.
If you have Low Conversion Rates
You have been doing it for a while and has some customer patterns but unable to identify patterns to increase conversion rates.
If you have High Customer Churn
You have a leaky basket where you have tried to bring in customers but was unable to retain them over a long period.
If you have inefficient Lead Generation
You ran some campaigns but due to lakc of automations and processes failed to touch base all of them and convert systematically.
Inaccurate Customer Targeting
You have tried different Advertising strategies and platforms, but unable to get the best ROAS out of spending
If you lack data-driven decision making
You do alot of guess work and sometimes things work and mostly fail. The customer data is fragmented and so is your marketing
If you don't have a war-room
Your team is having a linear mindset and fails to achieve 10X year on year. You want to start a war room to initiate a growth mindset across the board.
If you have low boost rates
You are struggling with the Product-Channel or Product-Market fit and your share of voice remains low.
Want to make use of Gen-AI and ChatGPT
You have heard the buzzwords, but not sure how to make underwriting, claim processing, and customer support more optimized using LLaMas
Have an InsurTech problem to solve
Do you need an insurance specialist to figure out your digital product insurance issues? And want to find out someone with Insurtech background.
If you are unable to meet GWP OKRs
You have set your OKRs for next quarter but not sure how to meet them and lack a game plan to achieve the desired GWP growth.
If your Technical SEO Sucks!
You don't know what robots.txt is doing or how keyword clustering can help you rank faster.
Max Raza
InsurTech Rockstar
11+ Years Performance Marketing Expertise

A Growth Expert ready to Build & Launch Sustainable InsurTech

I’ve worked in marketing technology for 11 years. I spent the first 6 years of my career at agencies, working with a wide variety of clients from startups to Fortune 500’s. I am working as an independent consultant dedicated to lead generation, pipeline acceleration, revenue marketing, and sales and marketing operations.

I’m an expert in Hubspot, Klaviyo, Shopify, Google AdWords, Facebook Advertising, WooCommerce, Figma, ReactJS, NodeJS, Web-GIS, Lightening Web-Components, and Salesforce.

How Would MAx Help you?

Advanced MarOps and MarTech Stack Combined with LLMs

I can help you leveraging the power of GPT models and other AI-powered tools. My advance MarTech enabled flows can help you improve efficiency, boost engagement, and drive revenue growth.

InsurTech Growth Hacking

Whether it's a new proposition from Health, Life or Cyber Insurance or an established digital insurance product, there is always room for improvement and increase ROI. (Pick my brain by scheduling a calendly call)

Co-Venture Building

I love hackathons and if you have an idea which needs to be brought to life, my sprints are over the 48 hour weekends, not two weeks. (If founder rating works, we sign a partnership deal)

Conversion Rate Optimization Audit

I spent more than half a million dollar in ad-spend and learn valuable conversion rate tips along the way. Many companies make rookie mistakes, and a small audit can give you or your team a great headstart to start fixing things. (Turn around time x2 weeks)

Growth Hacking as Subscription

Your on demand growth hacking solution at a cracking rate. I know guys who know guys who know how to get things done. Without breaking your bank. Fixed monthly costs, no surprises.